BDSM Basics: Crime and Punishment
One of the key factors in BDSM is that there has to be someone breaking the rules and someone else enforcing them. This concept is in place all through lots of different kinds of porn. Fat porn features the slothful, fat, lazy woman and the stern man forcing her to take her punishment. Often, as much punishment as she can eat! Homemade porn often features enforcing the rules as a story point. “This video is me showing the world how good my wife is at doing what I say”, and so on. You don’t have to be making homemade porn or fat porn to use these.
Be specific about the rules before the session starts. Then your partner can break the rules on purpose—and get their punishment.
The punishment should be something that gets one or both of you off. Don’t do a punishment of cleaning the kitchen—unless you get off on withholding affection.
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